In cacao zit een duursportdrug

In cacao zit een duursportdrug
In cacao zit een duursportdrug

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vrijdag 29 oktober 2010

Is Dark Chocolate Good For You?

Xocai | Healthy Chocolate

Chocolate. It's a word associated with candy and bad diet, but the truth is that chocolate can be a healthful addition to an effective wellness program. While this is surprising to most people, an impressive body of research as well as centuries of traditional use, point to chocolate (specifically cacao) as being effective in protecting the body's systems and providing an added measure of wellness and vitality. Now, Xocai brings premium-grade healthy chocolate to you in its market-leading product line.

The manner in which cacao is processed has a significant impact on the level of its antioxidants (primarily flavanols). Fermentation and sustained high temperatures (processes employed by most commercial chocolatiers) markedly decrease the amount of antioxidants in cacao. The Xocai chocolate, on the other hand, uses a proprietary cold-processing method, thereby preserving the antioxidant content of its cacao.

Here are just a few of our many products:

XoBiotic Squares 

ORAC Score: 84,777

Amazingly, chocolate appears to be a perfect vehicle for helping probiotic organisms reach their destination. As a result, Xocai has developed XoBiotic Squares, the first healthy dark chocolate product that also contains functional levels of probiotic organisms.

XoBiotic Squares provide proper probiotic balance, with probiotics Lactobacillus helveticus and Bifidobacterium longum, both of which are necessary for maintaining an optimal floral balance in the intestine. This is the first probiotic-rich, healthy chocolate product available. Nothing like it exists in the marketplace today.

X Power Squares 

ORAC Score: 49,464

The Xocai Power Squares use cacao that is sun-dried, unblanched, non-alkalized and cold-pressed boasting eight times the levels of epicatechins and catechins, and four times the levels of procyanidins than cacao produced with standard processing. X Power Squares are loaded with antioxidants and have an unparalleled ORAC Value. The Xocai X Power Squares are the most powerful, health-promoting, decadent chocolate ever produced.

Xocai Nuggets 

ORAC Score: 75,456

The wonderfully exotic flavors of cacao combined with acai berries and blueberries make this one of our most popular products. The Xocai Nuggets are made with cold-pressed, dark chocolate from Belgium, providing an ORAC value of 9360 per daily serving-an extremely high score compared to other available chocolates. Im fact, the Xocai Nuggets are the only chocolate in the marketplace that has the ORAC value printed on its packaging.

Because of its unmatched quality, superior antioxidant content, and inclusion of only natural ingredients, Xocai Nuggets are a terrific way to replace the 12 pounds of unhealthy chocolate normally consumed by the average North American each year. We're truly excited to offer the ultimate antioxidant treat with a balanced nutritional profile

Omega Squares 

ORAC Score: 75,405

The deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids in the North American diet is so severe that it has been linked to an extensive list of health-related problems cited in over 2,000 scientific studies. The National Institutes of Health recommends that an individual consume at least 220 mg a day of DHA, the most crucial Omega-3 fatty acid. The good news is that three Xocai Omega Squares provide a minimum of 200 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids. The Squares are an excellent source of Omega-3s and promote the necessary balance of essential fatty acids through acai berry, flaxseed and a patented, plant-based, encapsulated Omega-3 fatty acid.

Visit Xocohealth for more information

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