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maandag 28 februari 2011
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Chocolade cornflakes koekjes
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zondag 13 februari 2011
donderdag 10 februari 2011
What Is The Groesbeek Health Chocolate Story?
Forget fruit juice - chocolate could be an even better way to boost your health, new research shows.
Dark chocolate and cocoa have more anti-oxidant capacity than fruit juice, according to a study released Sunday in the Chemistry Central Journal.
Chocolate products also have more heart-healthy flavanols and polyphenol, the study found. The good news doesn't apply to hot cocoa mix, which is processed.
"When looking for a sweet snack, a square of dark chocolate might, in fact, be your healthiest choice," said Suzanne Steinbaum, a cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan.
She wasn't surprised by the findings, noting the anti-oxidants keep arteries in tip-top shape and help prevent heart disease.
The study, conducted by the Hershey Co., compared cocoa powder and products with fruit-based powders and juices. Cocoa came out ahead on the anti-oxidant scale over blueberry, cranberry and pomegranate powder.
The differences between pomegranate juice and dark chocolate weren't significant, researchers found.
Still, dark chocolate trumped other juices in the anti-oxidant test.
"Cocao seeds should be considered a 'superfruit' and products derived from cocao seed extracts, such as natural cocoa powder and dark chocolate, as 'superfoods,'" the researchers said.
Dark chocolate long has been touted for its health benefits, including lowering blood pressure.
But chocolate milk fans, beware: The health perks don't necessarily extend to this childhood staple.
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woensdag 9 februari 2011
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maandag 7 februari 2011
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