In cacao zit een duursportdrug

In cacao zit een duursportdrug
In cacao zit een duursportdrug

@Mrchocobean Webstagram feed

donderdag 28 juli 2011

The Truth behind the “Big Lies” about Chocolate
by Dr. Steven E. Warren, M.D., D.PA.
Geen tweede keer is de natuur er in geslaagd zoveel voedingsstoffen op een kleine ruimte te verzamelen als bij de ..

dinsdag 26 juli 2011

Chocolade is pas gezond als het met gezond verstand wordt geproduceerd. Weten hoe even tweet sturen.

Sorry i had to remove this article because i left Xocai as a The First Silver in the Netherlands for a better Organic Healthy Fairtrade Chocolate Choconat with a better payplan and more integer leaders and experts in the MLM biz for more then 20 Years.

So if you are in xocai and happy don't see this video.
Succes With your Xocai Business.

Peter Langelaar

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If you like to eat the Best Organic raw and child slave free healthy chocolate i do check out my site
ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION 2011 EVENT | SPECIAL TOPIC: Immunity and Cancer more... health nutrition events
What separates STIFORP from EVERY other company in the industry? 1. NO COMPETITION 2. HUGE COMPENSATION PROGRAM MLM
NUTRITION: How healthy are you?

maandag 25 juli 2011

STIFORP is Breaking Records! since our pre-launch on July 20th, 2011 and the number pre-enrolled members growing fast
Natuurlijke antidepressiva het eten van pure onbewerkte chocolade,dit regelt oa je serotonine welke chocolade? track 32
Gebruik van antidepressiva heeft invloed op het zenuwstelsel en hierdoor wordt de kans op hart- en vaatziekten vergroot

zondag 24 juli 2011

Cold processed dark chocolate is known to have a huge effect on periodontal disease (gum di
sease) and dental health

zaterdag 23 juli 2011

huffingtonpost: Amy Winehouse Dead: Singer Found Dead At London Home

Sorry i had to remove this article because i left Xocai as a The First Silver in the Netherlands for a better Organic Healthy Fairtrade Chocolate Choconat with a better payplan and more integer leaders and experts in the MLM biz for more then 20 Years.

So if you are in xocai and happy don't see this video.
Succes With your Xocai Business.

Peter Langelaar

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If you like to eat the Best Organic raw and child slave free healthy chocolate i do check out my site
Amy Winehouse (27) overleden aan overdosis - Showbizz - De Morgen via

vrijdag 22 juli 2011

The Dark Side of Chocolate learn more about it here
Chocolate as medicine in History, LET FOOD BE YOUR MEDICINE (Socrates) want to know more check this out

Sorry i had to remove this article because i left Xocai as a The First Silver in the Netherlands for a better Organic Healthy Fairtrade Chocolate Choconat with a better payplan and more integer leaders and experts in the MLM biz for more then 20 Years.

So if you are in xocai and happy don't see this video.
Succes With your Xocai Business.

Peter Langelaar

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If you like to eat the Best Organic raw and child slave free healthy chocolate i do check out my site

dinsdag 19 juli 2011

BBC: Heart patients could soon be given doses of dark chocolate if a medical trial is given the go-head.
Evidence that flavonoids found in some forms of chocolate can fight heart disease, blood pressure and strokes
Cannabinoids Kill Cancer and Our Government Has Known for 36 Years

donderdag 14 juli 2011

PEA een stof die ontsteking en pijnstillend werkt zit in cannabis maar in nog grotere mate in Cacao Artikel:

zaterdag 9 juli 2011

Make the chance to win a iPad 2 with @PayPalnederland and RT this message, info at FB PayPalNederland
Maak kans op een iPad 2 met @PayPalnederland en RT dit bericht, info op FB PayPalNederland

vrijdag 8 juli 2011

Dr Gordon Pedersen about anti aging and antioxidants in cacao health gezondheid VNGK
Clinical Nutrition at 2 and 3 september 2011 Special topic Immunity and cancer provided by

donderdag 7 juli 2011

Chocolate as medicine in History, LET FOOD BE YOUR MEDICINE (Socrates)
Aluminium is een metaal dat we beter niet binnen kunnen krijgen. Aluminiumbelasting komt bijna epidemisch voor

woensdag 6 juli 2011

More than 1,200 published studies to date ,all pointing the validation for chocolate as a health-promoting food
Chocolade eten en afvallen welke Vrouw of Man wil dat nu niet? meer op contact mij via FB op blog
Eat chocolate and loose weight who likes that ID? check it out at and contact me at FB see blog

Sorry i had to remove this article because i left Xocai as a The First Silver in the Netherlands for a better Organic Healthy Fairtrade Chocolate Choconat with a better payplan and more integer leaders and experts in the MLM biz for more then 20 Years.

So if you are in xocai and happy don't see this video.
Succes With your Xocai Business.

Peter Langelaar

Follow US
Follow Us on Facebook Follow Us on Twitter Follow Us on LinkedIn Follow Us on E-mail

If you like to eat the Best Organic raw and child slave free healthy chocolate i do check out my site
SPECIAL TOPIC: Immunity and Cance Reducing the burden
of disease by improving health

dinsdag 5 juli 2011

Promotie gratis bij aankoop 2 zakken 3 de zak protein meal vol met antioxidanten van cacao en ... meer op afvallen

zondag 3 juli 2011

Tomorrow One bag Protein meal for free at introduction Xoçai High-Antioxidant Weight-Loss System in the Netherlands

zaterdag 2 juli 2011

Original Research: Flavonoid-Rich Dark Chocolate Improves Endothelial Function and Increases Plasma Epicatechin

vrijdag 1 juli 2011

Flavonoid-Rich Dark Chocolate Improves Endothelial
Function and Increases Plasma Epicatechin
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