In cacao zit een duursportdrug

In cacao zit een duursportdrug
In cacao zit een duursportdrug

@Mrchocobean Webstagram feed

maandag 16 april 2012

The almost “forgotten” vitamin K is stepping up the ranks and joining vitamin D3 Calcium and Magnesium

Did You Know… 

… that there is a little-known, “forgotten” vitamin that effectively supports bone growth … maintains healthy bone mass … boosts memory … enhances heart health … and even prevents premature aging?
The almost “forgotten” vitamin K is stepping up the ranks and joining vitamin D3, calcium and magnesium as one of the most important vitamins for bone and heart health.  While some countries, such as India, have long recognized its importance—and even regulate its intake—the Western world has ignored this vital nutrient for decades.
Emerging research calls for renewed attention to this vitamin, which helps to…
 Strengthen bones
 Invigorate the vascular (arteries and veins) system
 Enhance heart health
 Prevent premature aging and protect your skin
 Boost memory and cognitive function
 Strengthen your immune system
 Defend cells against oxidative damage
 Support normal blood sugar levels
 Deliver calcium to your bones and bone marrow

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