In cacao zit een duursportdrug

In cacao zit een duursportdrug
In cacao zit een duursportdrug

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dinsdag 30 november 2010

Would this be true? The Obama Deception HQ Full length version
Farmaceutische industrie ontmaskerd in twee Tros Radar uitzendingen
AstraZeneca verzwijgt dodelijke bijwerkingen Seroquel Diabetes medicijn

zondag 28 november 2010

Chocolade en gezondheid : Autisme en ADHD gezondheid HAPPYNEZZ
Brief verstuurd aan de Minister van VWS ivm ADHD problematiek gerzondheid drugs
Hoogleraar psychotherapie prof. dr. Paul Verhaeghe in VPRO boeken: ‘ ADHD is een Boerenbedrog’:
Fifty People,Six Weeks: Almost 1000 Pounds Lost !!! check this out,With High AntiOxidant Meal
Obesity: Health Problem #1 in The World

Obesity: Health Problem #1 in The World

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Peter Langelaar

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Obesity: The Worlds #1 Health Problem
The obesity plague is no illusion. It’s costing Americans as much as $147 billion—and countless lives—each year. Incredibly, two-thirds of American adults are either overweight or obese, and childhood obesity rates are triple what they were only a generation ago. In fact, the obesity crisis has placed a crushing burden on our healthcare system and now has many experts expressing their belief that today’s generation of children will be the first to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. And the problem isn’t just America’s. The same troubling rates are being seen in other areas of North America, Europe and other developed countries. It truly is a worldwide epidemic (CNBC, 2010)
These and other numbers that scientists and health experts are citing are incredibly alarming. Most concerning is many experts feel obesity is approaching heart disease as the number-one killer disease in America. It’s simple—obesity is killing us.
Covering the exploding obesity epidemic, a recent CNBC report wondered, “Why in a society obsessed with being thin, it has never been easier to be fat.”

Free Radicals and Obesity: Behind the Science

10 Reasons to Use the High-Antioxidant Wellness System
AVMV Daar wordt u beter van! zie link op dit blog zorgverzekering gezondheidzorg

vrijdag 26 november 2010

Study:Nibble at chocolate to cut symptoms of chronic fatigue

donderdag 25 november 2010

Study Nibble at chocolate to cut symptoms of chronic fatigue CVS chronisch gezondheid health Nutrition

Study:Nibble at chocolate to cut symptoms of chronic fatigue

Here is one more reason to indulge in the wicked delights of cocoa delight without being racked by pangs of guilt.
New research claims that eating dark chocolate daily can help alleviate the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
CFS, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is a condition characterized by consistent fatigue for six months or more as well as a wide range of symptoms such as severe muscle pain, headaches, and poor memory.
Benefits of dark chocolate assessed
In a bid to determine whether dark chocolate would benefit patients with chronic fatigue, the researchers carried out small trial of six women and four men whose average age was 52 years.
During the trial of eight weeks, the participants were assigned to consume either high polyphenol chocolate or the iso-calorific chocolate.
They were asked to eat a bar of 15 grams containing 85 percent cocoa thrice a day. They were also asked to make no other changes in the diet.
After a gap of two weeks, the study subjects were asked to switch over to the other variety of chocolate that contained no cocoa content but tasted the same.
Outcome of the study
The investigators used the Chalder Fatigue Scale to measure the levels of weariness of the participants.
The study results indicated that patients taking the dark chocolate exhibited less fatigue as opposed to those who were assigned to the low polyphenol chocolate.
Also, it was noted that none in the study put on extra weight, despite consuming nearly 245 extra calories daily for a period of two months.
Lead author of the study, Professor Steve Atkin, an expert in endocrinology from Hull York Medical School stated, “Since there was a consistent improvement of symptoms with high cocoa phenol chocolate and deterioration with iso-calorific chocolate, a placebo effect is unlikely.
“Moreover, the taste panel of healthy people before the study could not differentiate the taste between high cocoa and iso-calorific chocolate.
“In summary, this study suggests that consuming high cocoa polyphenol rich chocolate 15g three times daily has a beneficial effect in improving fatigue and residual function in subjects with chronic fatigue syndrome over a period of 8 weeks compared to simulated iso-calorific cocoa mass free/ low polyphenol chocolate.”
A plausible explanation
The researchers attribute the health benefits to the natural compounds known as flavonols found in abundance in dark chocolate.
Experts speculate that flavonols shield the neuronal cells from oxidative stress.
However, the researchers caution that the results should not tempt people to gorge on chocolate.
There is need for more research to substantiate the findings before small amounts of chocolate could be prescribed as part of a diet to chronic fatigue.
The researchers stated, “As both types of chocolate were iso-calorific and had similar glycemic indices and loads, it is likely that the improvement was due to the high polyphenol content within the active chocolate, rather than a difference in of the micro or macronutrient the composition of the two chocolates.
“The significance of the results is particularly surprising because of the small number of subjects in the study.
"A further study is needed to see what the effects would be on a larger group of people, but this is potentially very encouraging news for those who suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.”
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