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zondag 28 november 2010

Obesity: Health Problem #1 in The World

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Peter Langelaar

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Obesity: The Worlds #1 Health Problem
The obesity plague is no illusion. It’s costing Americans as much as $147 billion—and countless lives—each year. Incredibly, two-thirds of American adults are either overweight or obese, and childhood obesity rates are triple what they were only a generation ago. In fact, the obesity crisis has placed a crushing burden on our healthcare system and now has many experts expressing their belief that today’s generation of children will be the first to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. And the problem isn’t just America’s. The same troubling rates are being seen in other areas of North America, Europe and other developed countries. It truly is a worldwide epidemic (CNBC, 2010)
These and other numbers that scientists and health experts are citing are incredibly alarming. Most concerning is many experts feel obesity is approaching heart disease as the number-one killer disease in America. It’s simple—obesity is killing us.
Covering the exploding obesity epidemic, a recent CNBC report wondered, “Why in a society obsessed with being thin, it has never been easier to be fat.”

Free Radicals and Obesity: Behind the Science

10 Reasons to Use the High-Antioxidant Wellness System

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