In cacao zit een duursportdrug

In cacao zit een duursportdrug
In cacao zit een duursportdrug

@Mrchocobean Webstagram feed

maandag 16 april 2012

The almost “forgotten” vitamin K is stepping up the ranks and joining vitamin D3 Calcium and Magnesium

Did You Know… 

… that there is a little-known, “forgotten” vitamin that effectively supports bone growth … maintains healthy bone mass … boosts memory … enhances heart health … and even prevents premature aging?
The almost “forgotten” vitamin K is stepping up the ranks and joining vitamin D3, calcium and magnesium as one of the most important vitamins for bone and heart health.  While some countries, such as India, have long recognized its importance—and even regulate its intake—the Western world has ignored this vital nutrient for decades.
Emerging research calls for renewed attention to this vitamin, which helps to…
 Strengthen bones
 Invigorate the vascular (arteries and veins) system
 Enhance heart health
 Prevent premature aging and protect your skin
 Boost memory and cognitive function
 Strengthen your immune system
 Defend cells against oxidative damage
 Support normal blood sugar levels
 Deliver calcium to your bones and bone marrow

zaterdag 24 maart 2012

Laatste nieuws Xocai Chocola valt door de mand bij voedings expert Prof. Martijn Katan Misleiding ? Bedrog ?

Mocht de video niet opstarten zie deze LINK
Wat Professor Martijn Katan Vertelde in deze uitzending verbaasde mij
en ik dacht deze man is afgunstig tot ik een chocolade expert die al meer dan 20
jaar in de ontwikkeling van chocolade zit de xocai chocolade heb laten proeven.
En hij mij vertelde dat dit gewoon niet koud geperst was omdat de smaak
exact hetzelfde was als behandelde chocola die al begint bij fermentatie en branden van de cacao bonen.
De eerste echte chocola waar ongefermenteerde en rauwe criollo bonen worden gebruikt is momenteel choconature die tevens Organic en fairtrade gecertificeerd zijn en een doos voor 50 dagen zit ongeveer op de helft van de prijs die xocai rekent voor 45 dagen.
zie de webshop hier 

Ik heb mij verder alle aspecten van chocola bijgebracht en ook diverse echte rauwe cacao
geproefd en vergeleken.
Xocai is wel degelijk een chocolade met Belgische chocola dat is waar.

Volgens MXI zouden ze gezonde chocola hebben uit Belgie ,Na onderzoek blijkt de cacao massa gewoon bij Barry Callebaut vandaan te komen en is dus een industrieele chocola die nog verhit is geweest tot minimaal 118 graden ( ondanks xocai zijn koud pers claim ) die men rauw mag noemen maar eigenlijk door de vernietiging van enzymen flinkwat gezonde stoffen heeft verloren en dus niet meer echt raw is.
(hetzelfde als u uw groente te lang kookt )

De cacao Nuggets en Powersquares en omega squares worden onder white label gemaakt bij Dynamic chocolates in Canada zie link

De cacao massa wordt ook door Hershey's gebruikt een van de grootste merken in de USA  Ook ligt dit bedrijf onder vuur ivm Kinderarbeid in Ivoor kust zie thedarksideofchocolate docu .
Zelf ben ik ook in de marketing praatjes van MXI gestonken maar ben uit xocai gestapt toen ik ook van chocolade kenners kreeg te horen dat de cacao van xocai gewoone chocolade was die je op de hoek van de straat in de winkel kan vinden zoals Albert heijn die nu ook een chocolade heeft met rietsuiker ( gezonder dan geraffineerde suikers) Erg bijzonder is de chocola niet zoals men u wilt laten geloven luister maar naar voedings deskundige en Expert Professor Martijn Katan
Mensen die nog in Xocai zitten vertellen niets anders dan hun wordt verteld door de organisatie en plaatsen zonder enig onderzoek dit ook op hun site zie oa en waar ook 100% fairtrade staat zonder dit maar ook te kunnen aantonen met een fairtrade label. En volgens mij mogen dit soort claims niet zomaar worden gedaan er moet echt wel een certificering achter staan zoals maxhavelaar zie deze labels bij een bedrijf wat echt deze certificaten bezit en dus transparant is dit vind je niet bij xocai maar ook bij bijvoorbeeld en dat is dus al dubieus.
Dit bedrijf  cavalier chocola in Belgie heeft ook op de site hun fairtrade logo staan dus zo moeilijk kan het niet zijn.

Ik heb mijzelf verder verdiept in echte gezonde organische kindslaaf vrije chocola en kwam uit bij een bedrijf waar de cacao gecertificeerd is met fairtrade en Organic labels en dus pesticiden vrij en kind slaaf vrij meer over kinderslavernij en de cacao industrie wordt ook door CNN Ik heb zelf gekozen nu voor deze cacao omdat men geen kunstmatige zoetstoffen gebruikt zoals xocai dit wel doet in hun oa X Meal replacement shake.

Professor Martijn Katan over Hershey's (Barry Callebaut Chocolade) en over

Echte high flavonoid cacao is niet verhit tot 118 graden en heeft hoge Flavonoiden waarden
in Xocai hebben ze een * bij hun flavonoid en ORAC waarde met de vermelding dat de inhoud of waarde kunnen varieeren zowel hoger maar zeker lager.

Daarom heb ik zelf gekozen voor een bedrijf wat wel etnisch is in deze en die minimale gemeten waarde op hun cacao verpakking zet en zij leveren doorgaans meer dan op de verpakking staat.
Plus mensen kunnen gewoon tegen bijna de helft van de prijs een product kopen waar ze ook nog 5 dagen langer mee doen en helemaal Organisch en Fairtrade Gecertificeerd is.

Dit bedrijf koopt Criollo bonen in waarvan er per cacao boom maar maximaal 20 pods per oogst afkomen ipv afrikaanse cacao bomen waar 80 pods van af komen per oogst.
De criollo bonen worden niet gefermenteerd zoals dat bij alle andere chocolade wel wordt gedaan zelfs bij rauwe chocolade die dus eigenlijk niet meer raw is omdat de enzymen hierdoor worden verniettigd oa de catalese en SOD enzym.

Hier onder de uitleg in het engels wat voor soort cacao bonen er zijn  plus het korte filmpje met de uitleg.

THERE ARE THREE DIFFERENT types of cocoa beans which are used in chocolate production today.
They are the noble Criollo, the common Forastero and a hybrid between the two, the Trinitario.
Criollo and Trinitario are often referred to as fine or flavour cocoa beans, while Forastero is considered the ordinary or bulk bean for mass production (although there are exceptions to this rule — see below). Over 90% percent of the world’s cocoa is bulk production, mostly from the Forastero bean. The remainder is fine/flavour cocoa, from most of the Trinitario and all of the Criollo varieties.

What the fine Arabica bean is to coffee, the even finer and rarer Criollo bean is to chocolate. Criollo chocolate has a distinctly reddish colour, and an equally distinctive complex taste which can include flavours of caramel, nuts, vanilla and tobacco. Criollo bars are fairly rare and should definitely be sampled if encountered. That said, the taste might not be everyone’s favourite as it differs considerably from that of the more common Trinitario and Forastero varieties, which generally define the taste of dark chocolate as most people know it. These tastes however are fairly recent — two hundred years ago Criollo was the predominant cocoa bean. The reason for the general scarcity of Criollo cocoa today is the lack of resistance of the Criollo tree towards disease, which is why the more robust Forastero now dominates the world-wide market for cocoa. Today, most Criollo trees are closer to Trinitario than their pure ancestors. The most important Criollosare Ocumare 61 and the well-publicized Chuao, both of which are found in Venezuela. Only very few true Criollo trees remain. Probably the best known of these pure Criollo varieties is Porcelana – also from Venezuela .
Listen to Sylvain Simard about the bean we use for our chocolate.

This is the equivalent of the Robusta bean in coffee, namely the most widespread variety which has been cultivated for mass production. Originally from the Amazon region, there are many types of Forastero trees all over the world, the most ubiquitous variety being the Amenolado found in Brazil and West Africa. While most Forastero is bulk cocoa, there are exceptions, such as the Ecuadorian Cacao Nacional or Arriba Forastero which is used as fine/flavour cocoa. Forastero means “foreigner” in Spanish, in contrast to Criollo which is the word for “native”. This distinction was made by the Spanish who at first imported Criollo cocoa exclusively from Venezuela and thus regarded Criollo as the original variety of cocoa, as opposed to the “foreign” Forastero from the Amazon region.
Trinitario is a hybrid between the Criollo and Forastero trees and originated in Trinidad. Around 1678, Criollo trees from Venezuela had been planted in Trinidad, and in the following decades they went on to produce some of the finest Criollo of the time. Then, in 1727, disaster struck. The exact reasons are still unknown and theories vary from fungi and disease to speculation whether the increasingly mature trees imported decades earlier were becoming more and more sensitive to Trinidad’s soil and climate, for which they may have not been suited. In any case, the crop failure of 1727 delivered a fatal blow to Trinidad’s cocoa economy, which was revived in 1756 with the introduction of the more robust Forastero from the Amazon region. The new variety was combined with the remaining Criollo trees, resulting in the new Trinitario variety. In the 19th century Trinitario trees spread across the globe and can be found in Venezuela, Ecuador, Cameroon, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Java and Papua New Guinea. Trinitario is the predominant fine/flavour cocoa and is the most likely bean to be found in high-quality dark chocolate today. A particular mention should go to the Venezuelan Carenero and Rio Caribe varieties, which are very highly regarded. An exception is the Trinitario from Cameroon which is generally classified as bulk produce.
Check out the first Raw organic chocolate made from unfermented and nonrosted criollo beans full of antioxidants :  World’s Best Chocolates
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woensdag 8 februari 2012

Dit ingrediënt kan Migraine drastisch verminderen.

Volgens een nieuwe studie gepresenteerd op het 14 de International Headache Society Congress werd aangetoond dat Theobroma cacao een geschikte voedingssupplement kan zijn voor mensen die lijden aan migraine . Het ingrediënt wordt verondersteld om ontstekingsreacties te onderdrukken in de hersenen die worden geassocieerd met pijn. In een study gedaan in Italië door wetenschappers van de Catholic University, Campobasso heeft men aangetoond dat de CRP waarden bij een matige consumptie 20 gram per 3 dagen van donkere chocola met een hoog flavonoïden gehalte al voldoende is om deze C-reactive protein(CRP) waarden flink te verlagen. (melk chocolade werkt niet )
Ongeveer 30 miljoen Amerikanen lijden aan migraine en elke dag hebben meer....

vrijdag 3 februari 2012


Take time to watch this 45 minute film, it will shock you
Is the chocolate we eat produced with the use of child labor and trafficked children?The award winning Danish journalist Miki Mistrati decides to investigate the rumours.
His hunt for answers brings him to Mali in West Africa,where hidden footagereveals ilegal traffickingof small children to the cocoa fields in neighbouringIvory Coast.Kids as Young as seven years old work illigal in the plantations where they face a dangerous job cutting down the cocoa and carrying heavy loads.Some are victimes of trafficking and most of the kids are never paid.
The West African country of Ivory Coast is the world’s lagest producer of cocoa with more than 40 percent of the world’s production
Companies like NestleBarry Callebaut (also Dynamic Chocolates  who produce under white label also for a big MLM healthy chocolate) and Mars signed the Cocoa Protocol in 2001 promising to work for a total eradication of child labour in the cocoa sector 2008.
Does your favourite chocolate have a bitter taste? (cnn link 2010)
Follow Miki Mistrati into the bush of Africa to expose; The Dark Side Of Chocolate
Also see recent Article from CNN 25-11-2011 click at this Logo cnn logo
Stop the Traffik director Antonie Fountain talks about his group’s efforts and the 10 Campaign

U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin on the Harkin-Engel protocol 10 years later:

And this CNN Article 16-01-2012 cnn logo
Overview and facts
Globally the majority of child labourers come from the poorer sections of society. Social exclusion and discrimination, a result of poverty and ethnic and gender biases, are important factors that keep children out of school and force them to work.Ending poverty and increasing access to education are therefore crucial tools in the fight against ending child labour.
Children who work are subsequently subject to abuse, both physical and sexual, from their employers and often work under conditions that are both unhealthy and potentially fatal. This scenario cannot continue.
Why we should care?
“Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children.” – Walt Disney
Because of their unique and vulnerable position, children are denied the basic working rights and wages given to adults.
Children are most often employed in the informal and unregulated sectors of the global economy, for example in agriculture, and as a result they find themselves easy targets for abuse, intimidation and sexual exploitation.
Improving access to education and attacking poverty head-on would go a long way to solving the challenges children face. We must help them in their struggle. Child labour is an issue is closely connected with poverty, education, the distribution of world resources, socio-economic structures and gender/fertility related issues.
Defining child labour Though definitions vary, child labour means work that is done by children under the age of 15 (14 in some developing countries) which restricts or damages a child’s physical, emotional, intellectual, social and/or spiritual growth.Sometimes, work does not harm children. Work may even help them to learn new skills or to develop a sense of responsibility.Most people agree that when we speak about child labour, we mean labour which is intolerable or harmful to children, or which denies them their right to fully develop, to play or to go to school.Child labour includes:• Work performed by children under the age of 15
• Long hours of work on a regular or full-time basis
• Abusive treatment by the employer
• No access, or poor access, to education• Globally, 218 million children are child labourers1• 126 million of these children are engaged in hazardous work2
• 73 million working children are less than 10 years old3
• Every year, 22,000 children die in work-related accidents4
• The largest number of working children-122 million-are in the Asia-Pacific region5• The highest proportion of working children is in sub-Saharan Africa, where nearly one third of the children aged 14 and under (48 million children) are in the labour force6
• 8.4 million children are trapped in slavery, trafficking, debt bondage, prostitution, pornography and other illicit activities7The number of children involved in armed conflicts has increased to about 300,000 over the past decade.8Between 40 and 50 per cent of all forced labourers are chidren9
• 1.2 million of these children have been trafficked (bought and/or sold)10
Where do children work?11
• Nearly 70% are in agriculture (rural children, especially girls, usually start working in this industry when they are very young, often between 5 and 7 years of age)
• 22% are in services, including wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels, transport, personal services, etc
• 9% are in industry, including mining and quarrying, manufacturing and construction

Do you need the Guide to Shop for good chocolate? check this Link


International Labour Organization, “The end of child labour: Within reach”, 2006,International Labour Organization, “The end of child labour: Within reach”, 2006,International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour, “Every Child Counts: New Global Estimates on Child Labour,” April 2002,International Labour Organization, “Facts on Child Labour,” June 2005, 5International Labour Organization, “The end of child labour: Within reach”, 2006, 6International Labour Organization, “Media Advisory”, Friday, December 13, 2002, 7International Labour Organization, “Media Advisory”, Friday, December 13, 2002, 8International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour, “Every Child Counts: New Global Estimates on Child Labour,” April 2002, 9 International Labour Organization, “A global alliance against forced labour,” Global Report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Report I(B), International Labour Conference, 93rd Session, Geneva, 2005 10 International Labour Organization, “2002 Global Report on Child Labour”, 2002, 11 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour, “IPEC Action Against Child Labour: Highlights 2006,” October 2006, 12 2004. The World Watch Institute Special Focus: The Consumer Society. 13 Ibid
If you like to eat the Best Organic raw and child slave free healthy chocolate i do check out my site
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