In cacao zit een duursportdrug

In cacao zit een duursportdrug
In cacao zit een duursportdrug

@Mrchocobean Webstagram feed

dinsdag 31 augustus 2010

Get the One Simple Secret About A Popular Dessert that's Changing Lives Everyday And Giving Them Health and Prosperity!
@rtlkoffietijd deze vrouw had 20 jaar Fybro. pijn zie hoe zij dit opgelost heeft hier: zie blog
@decbcrew @consumentenbond SP!TS site: Energiedrankjes beter verbieden! sport afvallen gezondheid energiedrank
SP!TS site: Energiedrankjes beter verbieden! health sport afvallen gezondheid energiedrink Nieuws

maandag 30 augustus 2010

Ontdek Waarom 94% van de Moeders Niet Kan En Nooit Zal Afvallen Tenzij Ze Het Principe Wat Ik Je Hieronder Uitleg G...
Celeb health - @CatherineMcNeil: I’m a sucker for chocolate,especially dark chocolate.more: blog
Ontdek Waarom 94% van de Moeders Niet Kan En Nooit Zal Afvallen Tenzij Ze ..

Ontdek Waarom 94% van de Moeders Niet Kan En Nooit Zal Afvallen Tenzij Ze Het Principe Wat Ik Je Hieronder Uitleg Gaan Toepassen

Waarom afvallen niet lukt

Klaar met kijken?

A Dark Chocolate A Day Keeps High BloodPressure Away
Nieuw onderzoek toont aan:Bessenextracten bieden bescherming tegen dementie en Alzheimer

zondag 29 augustus 2010

Nieuw onderzoek toont aan:Bessenextracten bieden bescherming tegen dementie en Alzheimer

Het is al geruime tijd bekend dat bessen een beschermende werking op de gezondheid hebben. Het zijn effectieve hulpmiddelen bij het voorkomen van kanker, hartkwalen en infecties. Nu is voor de eerste keer aangertoond dat blauwe bessen, aardbeien en acaibessen de hersenen beschermen tegen ouderdomsziekten.

Deze studie, zojuist gepresenteerd door de American Chemical Society (AMS), concludeert dat deze bessen het geheugen en andere hersenfunctie op een tot nu toe onbekende wijze beschermen. Zij activeren een intern mechanisme waarbij het lichaam toxische eiwitten (beta-amaloiden) opruimt die de oorzaak zijn van geheugenverlies, dementie en andere hersenproblemen.

Shibu Poulose, Ph.D., een wetenschapper aan de U.S. Department of Agriculture Research Service on Aging in Boston die het onderzoek presenteerde toonde aan dat bij het ouder worden het lichaam zich steeds minder goed kan beschermen tegen interne onstekingsprocessen die op hun beurt oxidatieve schade veroorzaken. Hieruit werd al eerder geconcludeerd dat de toename van deze ontstekingsprocessen de oorzaak is van het ontstaan van hartkwalen en kanker. Dr. Poulose voerde deze studie uit in samenwerking met Prof. James Joseph, een pionier op het gebied van onderzoek naar de beschermende werking van polyfenolen (chemische verbindingen in fruit) bij ouderdomsziekten. De polyfenolen die in bessen worden aangetroffen blijken ontstekingen te voorkomen en bieden bescherming tegen deze ziekten.

Eerdere studies van Dr. Poulose en Prof. Joseph toonden al aan dat proefdieren die een mix van high-antioxidant aardbeien-, blauwe bessen- en acai bessenextracten kregen toegediend, mentaal jonger werden en dat leeftijdsgerelateerde achteruitgang van hersenfuncties bij leer- en geheugentests ongedaan werd gemaakt.

In hun laatste nieuwe studie onderzochten Dr. Poulose and Prof. Joseph waarom hersencellen steeds slechter gaan functioneren naar mate we ouder worden. Zij ontdekten dat het alles te maken had met wat het natuurlijke schoonmaakproces (autofagie) van de hersenen wordt genoemd. In dit proces verwijderen en recyclen bepaalde cellen in het centraal zenuwstelsel biochemisch afval uit de hersenen. Naarmate we ouder worden neemt de activiteit van deze cellen, microglia geheten, af waardoor biochemisch afval zich ophoopt en de hersencellen steeds minder goed met elkaar kunnen communiceren. Er kan zelfs een proces ontstaan waarbij de microglia hyperactief worden en gezonde hersencellen aanvallen en vernietigen.

Hersenonderzoek bij proefdieren toonde aan dat extracten van aardbeien en bessen de activiteit van eiwitten die het autofagieproces stilzetten ongedaan maken. Het blijkt nu dat de polyfenolen uit deze fruitsoorten hiervoor verantwoordelijk zijn. `Ze herstellen de normale schoonmaakfuncties in de hersenen waardoor ouderdomsziekten in de hersenen worden voorkomen´, aldus Dr. Poulose.

Bron: ScienceDaily (Aug. 24, 2010)


Cacao nummer 1 antioxidant zie gratis E-Book

vrijdag 27 augustus 2010

Guaranteed Simple System-Not MLM-Earn $1000 a Day
Australia bans flu vaccines in children after vomiting, fevers, seizures,

donderdag 26 augustus 2010

WHO list reveals flu advisors with financial ties to pharma, vaccine manufacturers
Nearly One Million Children in U.S. Potentially Misdiagnosed With ADHD, Study Finds
Parkinson Disease Dementia White_Paper
This is the best film I have ever seen about the corruption in the pharma industry You need to see this. Click here
Scientists report first evidence berries keep brains young, protect from memory loss

woensdag 25 augustus 2010

High cocoa chocolate can prevent cardiovascular illness see more High Antioxidant health

dinsdag 24 augustus 2010

Antioxidants explained by Paula Pritchard
Ongeloofelijke resultaten met rauwe cacao
Does Flavanol Intake Influence Mortality from Nitric Oxide-Dependent Processes? more info here
Hebben flavanolen Invloed op Stikstofoxide-afhankelijke processen? google translate meer info hier

Antioxidants explained by Paula Pritchard

Download to listen on mp3 or iPod.
Are you ready to order your high antioxidant chocoaltes and protein shake?
Get back to me!
Kuna Indianen,geen een van hen die zal sterven aan: IDH hart-en vaatziekten,#trombose,#kanker of diabetes zie

Ongeloofelijke resultaten met rauwe cacao

Kuna Indianen drinken 4-6 koppen rauwe chocolade elke dag,in grote lijnen is geen een van hen die zal sterven aan: IDH hart-en vaatziekten, trombose, kanker of diabetes
Leeftijd gecorrigeerd sterftecijfer in Panama en Kuna Yala voor 2004
ZiekteTotal/100, 00025-34 jaar35-44 jaar45-54 jaar55-64 jaar65-74 jaar75 + jaar

Kuna Yala7000016

Kuna Yala0000000

Kuna Yala0000000

Kuna Yala0010022

leeftijd gecorrigeerde sterftecijfer in Panama en Kuna Yala voor een jaar, 2004, voor de vier voorwaarden in de hypothese. Merk op dat elke diagnose in Panama een leeftijd-afhankelijke frequentie laat zien, en dat dit niet voorkomt in de San Blas.

Athens Banner-Herald Pack: Is chocolate healthy for your heart? find more info here at this blog
The most potent Antioxidant in the world and it tastes Great see video

maandag 23 augustus 2010

Diet: Chocolate in Moderation May Help Heart New York Times @nytimes check this antioxidant
Highest and most potent antioxidant in the world check it! if you like it you can get it here
Dark chocolate help reduce blood clot formation, cancer and heart disease Read more:Health & Fitness The Times of India

zondag 22 augustus 2010

Dark chocolate help reduce blood clot formation,#cancer and heart disease
"wars will no longer be if you are contributing to the creation of a enlightened planetary civilization" see it here
study: chocolate's good for the heart get the raw vegan one

vrijdag 20 augustus 2010

What you need to do now if you’re taking cholesterol drugs... beter work natural no side effect

donderdag 19 augustus 2010

Weight-Loss Surgery May Cut Type 2 Diabetes Medication diabetes or listen here to get it
The most serious danger to type 2 diabetics might not be sugar at all It might be your medication get

woensdag 18 augustus 2010

Prevent Stroke and Heart Attack by Lowering Your Cholesterol Level health see this
Prevent Stroke and Heart Attack by Lowering Your Cholesterol Level health use this to lower it
Prevent Stroke and Heart Attack by Lowering Your Cholesterol Level health use this to lower it
Beter alternatief dan suiker en zoetjes( aspartaam) Stevia gezondheid Aspartaam Stevia afvallen valtaf dieet

dinsdag 17 augustus 2010

Morgen beginnen met 3 dagdelen Avatar Cursus in berg en dal door harry palmer nederlandse site

maandag 16 augustus 2010

Chocolate 'help reduce heart risk' but not all chocolate is egual see
Pas op voor bakolie – “Canola olie” gezondheid health
Canola = Rapeseed oil (Bad) Beter get Rice oil! and arachide oil (peanut oil) read article
Heart patients choose pill over dark chocolate
Paul Angeman explains why Xocai is Good Healthy&can be life changing see video see my blog
5% korting op luchtzuiverende spaarlampen? gebruik deze code 6562 bestel op de site Astma fonds Astma schone lucht

zondag 15 augustus 2010

John McBrides Story
Curious how to reshape your body? Free to check it out if you missed the call it was recorded
Weightloss with raw chocolate see John mcbrides his story weightloss diet protein.

John McBrides Story

How healthy chocolate changes lives like John McBrides story who lost in the first month 28 pound of his weight.
16 August the new hi antioxidant protein meal see for info this product can be ordred at 16 august here

if you want more info check my blog:
Why chocolate high in antioxidant see the whole story about xocai

Natural weight loss and healthy diet

Unknown natural weight loss diet information and cure for most of America's other rampant health problems.


Low calorie, high nutrient "super foods"

Just my observations on nutrient dense, low calorie foods which are common in traditional societies but missing in our overweight fast food nation.

(don't worry I'll plan on doing a few "deeper" videos soon)

Nieuwe D Mark komt eraan. Nieuwe gulden zal volgen. volkskrant
diabetes insuline suikerziekte For diabetics, taking the sting out of insulin
The whole story told by Mark Van Wagoner for Xocai
SIX Natural Cures for Cancer?

SIX Natural Cures for Cancer?

I also recommend you sign up to this useful site for free:

Conventional medicine has proven to be useless at combating diseases such as cancer. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy seem to be causing more problems than they solve, sometimes enhancing tumour growth rather than inhibiting it, and producing a plethora of other side-effects. We have been misled by the media and these big pharmaceutical corporations to believe there is no known cure for cancer, and that our only hope is to put all of our faith in doctors and pharmaceutical drugs.

However, there are people out there (Rick Simpson, Jim Humble, just to name a few) who have discovered natural, safe, highly effective alternative treatments for cancer. Hundreds of people worldwide have used these treatments and have claimed to have cured themselves completely of cancer. Even sufferers diagnosed as terminally ill have responded to these treatments. The treatments explained in this video are: MMS (miracle mineral solution), cannabis, apricot seeds, chlorella and vitamin C, as well as a simple raw food diet which replenishes the body with anti-cancer nutrients, alkalises the blood and detoxifies carcinogens.

Many people are trying their utmost to share these treatments with the world. Statistically, there are more than enough cases of people healing cancer using these medicines for them to be safely labelled as cures. Yet, the pharmaceutical corporations refuse to endorse them. It is evident that their only care is profit: by convincing the public that they are diligently searching for solutions while at the same time dispensing drugs that barely work but keep their patients dependent, Big Pharma invests millions each year.

The cure for cancer has been around before we even arrived on this planet. It was once omnipresent, easily accessible and existed in abundance. Ever since the birth of the monetary system, it had been hidden away and replaced with profitable man-made drugs. If the public ever become aware of this then the big pharmaceutical industry would become obsolete. So, lets spread the word!

These videos below contain more information on these remedies:

See how she won from cancer! and more:
Cannabis oil:
Apricot seeds:
Vitamin C:


Also look up:
- Mangosteen juice
- Robert Beck, AIDS cure
One volunteer hour, mouse click, or dollar- it all can make a difference with Members Project. Join now! AmexMP
diabetes insuline See how you can lower your insuline intake this vid explains it join us

zaterdag 14 augustus 2010

Here's to your health

X Protein Mealâ„¢ Shake is one of them new at 16 august order at (First USA and CANADA only) info at
Xocai - Quite Possibly the Most Powerful Liquid and Solid Antioxidant products on the planet.see this also see com site

donderdag 12 augustus 2010

Harvard Health Publications Chocolate and your health — guilty pleasure or terrific treat?
Patient met Klierkoorts ofwel mononucleosis infectiosa, in Nederland bekend als ziekte van Pfeiffer hebben baat bij
Xoçai™ X Protein Meal Shake
"I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'"~Muhammad Ali

Xoçai™ X Protein Meal Shake

Xoçai™ X Protein Meal Shake

Serving Size: 50g:
Servings Per Container: 28
Donkere Rauwe cacao bevat ook Mineralen oa: Magnesium,Calcium,Fosfor,IJzer,Koper,Zink,Mangaan info hierover op
Donkere Rauwe onverhitte cacao bevat oa Vitamine A (retinol),Vitamine B-complex,Vitamine D,Vitamine E zie vitamine
Donkere rauwe chocola vol vitaminen en mineralen zie meer info

woensdag 11 augustus 2010

Donkere chocola verlaagt mogelijk de CRP en dus ontsteking zie meer info
Dr. Steve J. Smith why Dark chocolate is known to have a huge effect on periodontal disease (gum disease) and denta...
Het gunstige effect dat donkere chocolade heeft op tandvleesontsteking door Dr.Steve Smith dental tandvlees tandarts

Dr. Steve J. Smith why Dark chocolate is known to have a huge effect on periodontal disease (gum disease) and dental health presented by

Cold processed dark chocolate is known to have a huge effect on periodontal disease (gum disease) and dental health. This is because of huge amounts and types of anti-oxidants and bioflavonoids in dark chocolate and the inherent anti-bacterial and anti-inflammation properties of cold processed dark chocolate. This short video by a dentist talks about these benefits. There is only one company in the world that makes cold processed dark chocolate and they have the world-wide patent on the process.

dinsdag 10 augustus 2010

Keri Glassman, Nutritious Life. Author of The 02 Diet. Women's Health Magazine & CBS Early Show contributor.
High Antioxidant X Protein Mealâ„¢ Shake PDF here see also BLOG afvallen dieet diet weightloss

vrijdag 6 augustus 2010

Lose weight by using a New High-Antioxidant Wellness System see study orders at 16 aug! here

Jeanette Brooks, an inspiration! Or.....

Jeanette Brooks, an inspiration! Or.....

Listen to this Former Xocai Doctor Dr Steven Warren


Take time to watch this 45 minute film, it will shock you

Is the chocolate we eat produced with the use of child labor and trafficked children?The award winning Danish journalist Miki Mistrati decides to investigate the rumours.
His hunt for answers brings him to Mali in West Africa,where hidden footagereveals ilegal traffickingof small children to the cocoa fields in neighbouringIvory Coast.Kids as Young as seven years old work illigal in the plantations where they face a dangerous job cutting down the cocoa and carrying heavy loads.Some are victimes of trafficking and most of the kids are never paid.
The West African country of Ivory Coast is the world’s lagest producer of cocoa with more than 40 percent of the world’s production
Companies like NestleBarry Callebaut (also Dynamic Chocolates  who produce under white label also for a big MLM healthy chocolate) and Mars signed the Cocoa Protocol in 2001 promising to work for a total eradication of child labour in the cocoa sector 2008. 
Listen to this audio file :  ChocoNat Product Overview (about 9 minutes) If you like this Check out what choconat can do for you to earn a extra income with the ChocoNat affiliate program

That's why i Peter Langelaar Left the first healthy chocolate in the world! for this Fairtrade Artisan Handmade Chocolate check this video:
I Left The First Healthy Chocolate also because their Leaders are not integer and hunt people wo are leaving their company , see what their FAB member Adam Paul Green does to get attention here his youtube video's and also his blog.
NOw i know i can do better than i did in Xocai by Joining a more integer company like Choconat That's Fair in Payment and in Trade. 

This Compensation Plan  is EASY to understand, EASY to explain… 

Also this couple Mark and Donna Ellins from St. Augustine  Left Xocai for a reason And Adam Paul Green is also Hunting him on Youtube see This link  (so luckey i'm not the only one! he he he ). Check out Mark his Websites : &
Does your favourite chocolate have a bitter taste? (cnn link 2010)
Follow Miki Mistrati into the bush of Africa to expose; The Dark Side Of Chocolate
Also see recent Article from CNN 25-11-2011 click at this Logo cnn logo
Stop the Traffik director Antonie Fountain talks about his group’s efforts and the 10 Campaign

U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin on the Harkin-Engel protocol 10 years later:

And this CNN Article 16-01-2012 cnn logo
Overview and facts
Globally the majority of child labourers come from the poorer sections of society. Social exclusion and discrimination, a result of poverty and ethnic and gender biases, are important factors that keep children out of school and force them to work.Ending poverty and increasing access to education are therefore crucial tools in the fight against ending child labour.
Children who work are subsequently subject to abuse, both physical and sexual, from their employers and often work under conditions that are both unhealthy and potentially fatal. This scenario cannot continue.
Why we should care?
“Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children.” – Walt Disney
Because of their unique and vulnerable position, children are denied the basic working rights and wages given to adults.
Children are most often employed in the informal and unregulated sectors of the global economy, for example in agriculture, and as a result they find themselves easy targets for abuse, intimidation and sexual exploitation.
Improving access to education and attacking poverty head-on would go a long way to solving the challenges children face. We must help them in their struggle. Child labour is an issue is closely connected with poverty, education, the distribution of world resources, socio-economic structures and gender/fertility related issues.
Defining child labour Though definitions vary, child labour means work that is done by children under the age of 15 (14 in some developing countries) which restricts or damages a child’s physical, emotional, intellectual, social and/or spiritual growth.Sometimes, work does not harm children. Work may even help them to learn new skills or to develop a sense of responsibility.Most people agree that when we speak about child labour, we mean labour which is intolerable or harmful to children, or which denies them their right to fully develop, to play or to go to school.Child labour includes:• Work performed by children under the age of 15
• Long hours of work on a regular or full-time basis
• Abusive treatment by the employer
• No access, or poor access, to education• Globally, 218 million children are child labourers1• 126 million of these children are engaged in hazardous work2
• 73 million working children are less than 10 years old3
• Every year, 22,000 children die in work-related accidents4
• The largest number of working children-122 million-are in the Asia-Pacific region5• The highest proportion of working children is in sub-Saharan Africa, where nearly one third of the children aged 14 and under (48 million children) are in the labour force6
• 8.4 million children are trapped in slavery, trafficking, debt bondage, prostitution, pornography and other illicit activities7The number of children involved in armed conflicts has increased to about 300,000 over the past decade.8Between 40 and 50 per cent of all forced labourers are chidren9
• 1.2 million of these children have been trafficked (bought and/or sold)10
Where do children work?11
• Nearly 70% are in agriculture (rural children, especially girls, usually start working in this industry when they are very young, often between 5 and 7 years of age)
• 22% are in services, including wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels, transport, personal services, etc
• 9% are in industry, including mining and quarrying, manufacturing and construction

Do you need the Guide to Shop for good chocolate? check this Link


International Labour Organization, “The end of child labour: Within reach”, 2006,International Labour Organization, “The end of child labour: Within reach”, 2006,International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour, “Every Child Counts: New Global Estimates on Child Labour,” April 2002,International Labour Organization, “Facts on Child Labour,” June 2005, 5International Labour Organization, “The end of child labour: Within reach”, 2006, 6International Labour Organization, “Media Advisory”, Friday, December 13, 2002, 7International Labour Organization, “Media Advisory”, Friday, December 13, 2002, 8International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour, “Every Child Counts: New Global Estimates on Child Labour,” April 2002, 9 International Labour Organization, “A global alliance against forced labour,” Global Report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Report I(B), International Labour Conference, 93rd Session, Geneva, 2005 10 International Labour Organization, “2002 Global Report on Child Labour”, 2002, 11 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour, “IPEC Action Against Child Labour: Highlights 2006,” October 2006, 12 2004. The World Watch Institute Special Focus: The Consumer Society. 13 Ibid

If you like to eat the Best Organic raw and child slave free healthy chocolate i do check out my site:  you can order in the webshop 
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